
Julie Wiebe, PT, DPT (she/her) has over twenty-five years of clinical experience in Sports Medicine and Pelvic Health, specializing in abdominopelvic, pregnancy, postpartum, and performance health for fit and athletic populations. Her passion is to return active patients to fitness and sport after injury and pregnancy and equip professionals to do the same. She has pioneered an integrative approach to promote pelvic health in and through movement and fitness. These strategies have been successfully incorporated by medical providers, rehab practitioners, and fitness professionals into a variety of populations (orthopedics, sports medicine, pelvic health, neurology, and pediatrics). Dr. Wiebe is a sought-after speaker delivering evidenced-based continuing education coursework, lectures, and curriculum at academic institutions, clinics, conferences, and professional organizations internationally. A published author, her research interests focus on the interplay of athleticism and pelvic health to inform screening tools and multifactorial intervention strategies. Julie provides direct cash-based care to fit and athletic populations through telehealth and her clinical practice in Los Angeles.

When not trying to build bridges between sports medicine and pelvic health, Julie is happy to focus on her first passions: being mom to the Z’s (Zoe and Zack), and wife to David.

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 Want to book Julie for an onsite or online lecture, inservice or course? Please contact admin@juliewiebept.com

 Contact Julie at julie@juliewiebept.com (Julie is licensed in Michigan and California to deliver clinical care. Learn more about her here  clinical practice )

View Julie Wiebe’s CV

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