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Blog Category: Fitness

Breath Holding and Your Pelvic Health

Q: I know breath holding is bad from my pelvic floor. Should I never hold my breath again? M A: This is a great question as we continue to expand our conversation about intra abdominal pressure in pelvic health issues, is it a friend or foe? Historically, we have counseled women away from certain activities because...

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Intra-Abdominal Pressure: Pelvic Health Friend or Foe?

Recently, I was asked a few questions by Lorraine Scapens of PregnancyExercise that grew into a three part blog series. I wanted to share some highlights. This exerpt is a question I get a lot about excessive abdominal pressure caused by certain exercise that could contribute to pelvic health issues. My answer may surprise you....

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prolapse symptoms?

Squats vs Kegels: The Great Debate

Recently, I was asked a few questions by Lorraine Scapens of PregnancyExercise that grew into a three part blog series. I wanted to share some highlights. This exerpt is a question I get a lot about the paradigm shift proposed a few years ago to ditch kegels, and do sustained, deep squats instead. Check it...

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Let’s hear it for the boys! Pelvic Health for Men: Part One

A gift for Father’s Day to all the men out there and the women who love them: a blog series on pelvic health for men!  My inquiries from men have increased lately, many are desperately searching the web for info and end up at my videos and blogs. The information I share translates across genders...

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Diastasis: Zip it up!

I like to think of a diastasis that has resisted closure like an open zipper. An open fly affects more that just the zipper, it strains the button above, it messes with the fit of the pants, exposes things not supposed to be exposed, etc. Addressing your zipper may need a multi-tiered approach to re-zip:...

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