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Blog Category: Individual

Hypopressives? I’ve Got Questions.

After the fourth Hypopressives related email, tweet and direct message came my way in one day last week, I decided it was time for a blog! I have been asked about Hypopressives both privately and through social media outlets, but unfortunately, since most of the information is in Spanish, I have had very limited success...

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Dear Coach….

Dear Coach, We have been sampling gymnastics facilities to look for a program where the coaching staff seemed to understand that 99% of the kids participating would excel and grow through participation, but ultimately would not be Olympians. No coaches barking out orders or “punishing” kids for mistakes along their individual physical learning curves. Overall,...

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‘Tis the Season 2012

This is such a great time of year, always a time to remember the amazing folks in our life, to make memories, and focus on all that is truly important. A series of events, including the tragedy of Newtown, have brought home how grateful I am for my little family and how precious each day...

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Q and A: Goldilocks and the "Too Hot" Pelvic Floor

More great webinar questions today. This question is from a fitness pro who is also undergoing treatment herself for pelvic health issues. Q: (In the webinar) you reference a study saying the pelvic floor more strongly activates when sitting upright and with a natural lordotic curve, which makes sense. But apparently I am too lordotic...

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Q & A: Have Any Advice on Exercise During Pregnancy? Do I!

My webinar has been generating a lot of great questions behind the scenes. I love this one because it is from a male physical therapist on behalf of his newly pregnant wife. How sweet and cool is that?! Q: My wife and I just found out we are having our first child. I had some questions about my...

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