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Blog Category: Individual

Female Athlete’s Best Kept Secret

The athleticism at the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics was absolutely inspiring. I said “WOW” so many times I lost count. Some of the wows were for the stories of the athletes overcoming injuries or difficult circumstances to achieve their Olympic moment. Injuries got a lot of press this summer, and a LOT of tape. That...

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Oh, Snap! Taking Aim at Poise

Poise is on my watch list. I have found some of their advertising messages to be very manipulative. Often the information they share offers women a pad as a solution for incontinence, indicating how “normal” and “no big deal” it is to have a few leaks. It’s never normal, people! While “normalizing” it may help...

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Ode To My Father: V-necks, Coors, and LVADs

My earliest memories of my dad are a mix of lawn mowing in a V-neck Fruit of the Loom, Coors Beer and blood stained lab coats. He was a PhD student when I was born, doing cardiovascular research on cows. He was studying the viability of implantable artificial cardiac support devices. I remember going with...

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The Pelvic Floor Needs New PR

The pelvic floor needs new PR! We need to take steps to break down the barriers for practitioners and patients to begin to appreciate the power of this muscle group and the multi-tasking capacity that it has beyond just keeping panties dry, organs in, and sex happy. First step, let’s expand the definition of a...

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Wait, My Pelvic Organs Can Do What?

  “I’m freaking out right now!” was the response of one of the women that attended a new mommy return to fitness workshop I gave a few weeks back. The topic had turned to pelvic organ prolapse and most of the attendees had not heard of it, or about it. Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is...

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