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Blog Category: Individual

Pelvic Floor Health and Running: It’s So Much More than Incontinence!

So excited to share this conversation with Another Mother Runner on pelvic health and running. It was such a blast! Got to share lots of ideas to continue to first broaden our definition of what a pelvic health problem is, then link it to common postpartum running inefficiencies that may never have been considered from...

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So you’re having a baby? Tips to prepare for delivery

I bumped into a friend I hadn’t seen in awhile and was surprised to discover that she was 8 months pregnant! I only had a few minutes to give her some advice on how to prep for delivery and to prevent her own injuries as best she could. I came up with three things I...

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Should you squat with your feet straight?

One of the messages that seems to have infiltrated the pre/post-partum recovery and return to fitness world is to stand and squat with your feet straight. I am not a fan of this message, and never a fan of a formula or an “everyone should” premise. Saying everyone’s feet should go in one particular trajectory...

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Grace and Grit Podcast: Bridging the Gap between Rehab and Fitness for Women

Check out the podcast here: Ep 62: Courtney Townley, a passionate, holistic women’s health coach and experienced fitness pro who speaks into ALL areas of women’s lives through her own work and her podcast! I was excited to have a convo that I hope will continue to advance the message of pelvic floor and...

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Dear Diastasis Community….Don’t Make Me Come In There

I haven’t written a Dear…. letter in a while but some recent interactions and online posts on diastasis have brought out my mama bear and my pen. So here goes…. Dear pros that keep telling mamas that they can’t fix their diastasis if it has been longer than a year since their delivery, Let’s start with….WHY?...

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