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Blog Category: Individual

Diastasis In 100% of Women??

So much for bringing calm back in to my online life. Once again I find myself disgruntled with the ‘Everyone-should-brace-after-having-a-baby’ camp. I think my feelings are well-placed, as it is our professional responsibility to get accurate information into the hands of both practitioners and the public. It is critical. A blog came across my desk,...

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Running while pregnant

Tips for Runners and Wannabe Runners Who Leak

“How do you treat incontinence in female runners?” is probably one of the questions I get the most. It even came up recently during a live webinar for pediatric professionals. Here are some tips I shared for altering a runners form to address leaks during a run. Leaning into the run from the ankles to...

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What Are The Benefits of Rest?

As I come off of a four and a half month professional hiatus, it seems only fitting that I return to blogging with an homage to REST. We focus quite a bit on how to strengthen, build, exert, tone, engage, etc….but we seem to forget the purpose and value of rest as a part of those...

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Dear Friends and Colleagues

Dear Friends and Colleagues, This is a bit of a departure from my typical Dear So-and-So blog (Dear Coach, Dear Dr. Oz, Dear Depend and Poise, etc.). Instead it’s about an actual departure….mine. As of today, I am taking a break, a sabbatical of sorts, for some much needed rest until the Fall. Here’s what...

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Should We Cue The Multifidus?

Q: Just curious, what are your thoughts as to what the multifidus is doing in the flow of dynamic stability?  You don’t talk about it much. What gives? P A: You right, I don’t tend to include the Multifidus in my conversations in social media, videos, and blogs in regards to the Pistoning system that...

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