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Blog Category: Pelvic Floor

Alignment and the High Tight Pelvic Floor

Alignment and the high, tight pelvic floor – it sounds like the start of a kids fairy tale. And maybe it is! Can a high, tight pelvic floor have a happily ever after? Could alignment be a knight in shining armor for the pelvic floor? My short answer is: yes! For the long answer keep...

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Dear Dr. Oz….Pelvic Organ Prolapse

On Jan 20, 2012 posted some of Dr. Oz’s comments on pelvic organ prolapse. He suggested training the pelvic floor with.. “Kegel exercise(s). Dr Oz showed the audience how to do this by envisioning an elevator and breathing in and up. (It should take 10-15 seconds, when breathing in and up.)” I respectfully disagree…....

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Running while pregnant

To Kegel or Not to Kegel? Is that the Right Question?

Kegels have been getting the run around lately, with folks in both camps-the Kegel-ers and No Kegel-ers staunchly pulling for their views. I am in a different camp….the “let’s-see-the-Kegel-for-what-it-is-(an early rehab tool, if done correctly)-and-then-let’s-take-the-next-step” camp. Kumbaya! In short, a Kegel strengthens the pelvic floor by performing an isolated, isometric hold of the pelvic floor....

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The Junkless Trunk: And Not in A Good Way

I get my sweat on twice a week with a park workout that I love - brisk walking, plyometrics and strengthening. Just me, the dog, a resistance tube, birds chirping, flowers blooming, sun shining and (cue nails scratching a chalkboard) the local stroller fitness...

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Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes…and Pelvic Floor (Re-post)

My Father-in-law’s favorite joke is to lift his arm only to shoulder level and say “Hey doc! I can only lift my arm this high.” Then as he raises his arm to straight overhead, he says “But I used to be able to lift it this high.”After ruling out the need for a psyche consult,...

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