Q: Hi there, I was wondering if you would teach the “blow before you go” and lift the pelvic floor in pregnant women who don’t have any symptoms of pelvic floor issues? I mean if we do this to an already functional pelvic floor , wouldn’t we risk making it tighter? A: Great question. Before...
Three years ago this month I was celebrating my first peer reviewed publication, a telehealth study -“Web Based Treatment for Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence”, in the Oct 2014 issue of the Journal of Urologic Nursing. The study looked at the use of an online course designed for women to independently perform to address their incontinence....
Q: Do you have any suggestions for swimming with a pelvic organ prolapse. A: I really love swimming for my female athletes as they work to recover from prolapse and return to some movement and fitness and get their heart rate up. Generally, the lack of impact makes it a great place for ladies who...
So excited to share this conversation with Another Mother Runner on pelvic health and running. It was such a blast! Got to share lots of ideas to continue to first broaden our definition of what a pelvic health problem is, then link it to common postpartum running inefficiencies that may never have been considered from...
Check out the podcast here: https://graceandgrit.com/podcast-062/ Ep 62: Courtney Townley, a passionate, holistic women’s health coach and experienced fitness pro who speaks into ALL areas of women’s lives through her own work and her podcast! I was excited to have a convo that I hope will continue to advance the message of pelvic floor and...