Today marks the end of my sabbatical. It was in a word…busy. Busier than I had intended, but I was getting ahead on some important projects and spending some important time with family, and friends. I did find some quiet time in there for myself, for which I am very grateful. In the midst, I...
I had the pleasure of chatting with Jimmy Moore of the PT Pintcast podcast. Click through to listen in. Here are a few highlights from his show notes: It’s not just about pee, poop, and sex – recognizing the pelvic floor as a powerful ally (2:27), And, per input from other pelvic health PTs Carrie Pagliano...
If you have stopped to read this blog you are likely… 1.…a fellow PT who is looking for new ideas and tricks. 2….a trainer (pre and.or post natal perhaps) that knows about this issue and wants more info on how to recognize it and not aggravate it in training. 3…a woman who has been told...
“How do you treat incontinence in female runners?” is probably one of the questions I get the most. It even came up recently during a live webinar for pediatric professionals. Here are some tips I shared for altering a runners form to address leaks during a run. Leaning into the run from the ankles to...
Q: I know breath holding is bad from my pelvic floor. Should I never hold my breath again? M A: This is a great question as we continue to expand our conversation about intra abdominal pressure in pelvic health issues, is it a friend or foe? Historically, we have counseled women away from certain activities because...