June 28th 2013
Sooo….this happened. . Female CrossFit athletes happily declaring that they pee during a workout. A Gynecologist offers her medical advice “It’s OK to pee during double-unders!”. You can even get a t-shirt now in case you want to let folks know who may have missed the viral video. Peeing during a workout was offered as a...
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May 30th 2013
An alternative kick to running for females who experience incontinence with exercise is a hike up an incline. The benefits are multiple. First, it provides an intense workout without the impact loading on one leg experienced in running. Also, it provides an integrated activity that optimizes the intra-abdominal pressure system, the diaphragm/pelvic floor relationship, and...
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April 5th 2013
The #pelvicmafia origins story is not as interesting as the cheeky topics members of the Mafioso get into on twitter, nor does it demonstrate the rich tradition, rituals, secret handshakes or hazing. But it is at its heart a tale of passion, that began on twitter and has grown into a network of international practitioners...
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March 11th 2013
After the fourth Hypopressives related email, tweet and direct message came my way in one day last week, I decided it was time for a blog! I have been asked about Hypopressives both privately and through social media outlets, but unfortunately, since most of the information is in Spanish, I have had very limited success...
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February 20th 2013
Dear Greg, Thanks for a well written and thought provoking response to my Dear Coach blog. As you noted, “not an attack”, just an opportunity for a discussion. You brought up many great points, so let’s discuss! For those listening in to our conversation, please read Dear Coach, then Dear Julie to follow along. I...
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