July 8th 2015
Dear Friends and Colleagues, This is a bit of a departure from my typical Dear So-and-So blog (Dear Coach, Dear Dr. Oz, Dear Depend and Poise, etc.). Instead it’s about an actual departure….mine. As of today, I am taking a break, a sabbatical of sorts, for some much needed rest until the Fall. Here’s what...
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June 2nd 2015
Q: Just curious, what are your thoughts as to what the multifidus is doing in the flow of dynamic stability? You don’t talk about it much. What gives? P A: You right, I don’t tend to include the Multifidus in my conversations in social media, videos, and blogs in regards to the Pistoning system that...
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May 27th 2015
Q: I know breath holding is bad from my pelvic floor. Should I never hold my breath again? M A: This is a great question as we continue to expand our conversation about intra abdominal pressure in pelvic health issues, is it a friend or foe? Historically, we have counseled women away from certain activities because...
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May 17th 2015
Q: Hey, Julie! Can your Pelvic Floor ever act automatically again without having to think about it? L A: Take heart! I do think many women can achieve an automatic response from their pelvic floor again, as a part of the whole continence system. But we have to train the system for that. So I take...
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April 29th 2015
Because I talk about incontinence, I often get pegged as the pelvic floor lady. Sometimes I get flack because some say I think “it’s all about the diaphragm”. But really… I am all about the system. I am suggesting a new approach to central stability that the pelvic floor just happens to be a part...
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