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Blog Category: Women’s Health


So you’re having a baby? Tips to prepare for delivery

I bumped into a friend I hadn’t seen in awhile and was surprised to discover that she was 8 months pregnant! I only had a few minutes to give her some advice on how to prep for delivery and to prevent her own injuries as best she could. I came up with three things I...

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Alignment vs Positional Variability: Is that the right question?

The water is getting pretty murky out there, and I am seeing and hearing a lot of confusion regarding this question: alignment (defined as a specific alignment, usually “neutral”, the use of an optimized position) or variability (adopting a variety of postures) for pelvic health or diastasis concerns. Unfortunately, these two ideas have been communicated...

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Grace and Grit Podcast: Bridging the Gap between Rehab and Fitness for Women

Check out the podcast here: Ep 62: Courtney Townley, a passionate, holistic women’s health coach and experienced fitness pro who speaks into ALL areas of women’s lives through her own work and her podcast! I was excited to have a convo that I hope will continue to advance the message of pelvic floor and...

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Young Female Athletes Part Two: Female Athlete Triad

Adolescent Female Athlete month continues here at Julie Wiebe, PT! I am thrilled to have my friend and colleague Julie Granger of Prism Wellness Center bring her wealth of knowledge and experience working with this population in a 3-blog series!! These are excerpts from her recently published e-book Young Female Athlete’s Playbook .  It is...

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Running while pregnant

Young Female Athletes Part One: Growth Spurts

February is Young Female Athlete month at Julie Wiebe, PT! I am thrilled to have my friend and colleague Julie Granger of Prism Wellness Center bring her wealth of knowledge and experience working with this population in a 3-blog series!! These are excerpts from her recently published ebook Young Female Athlete’s Playbook .  It is an excellent...

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