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Ascend 2024-Reframing Social Media Strategy: Daily Duty or Digital Résumé?

Ascend 2024- Ultimate Rehab Therapy Business Event

Chicago, Illinois

Sept 12-14, 2024

Join me on September 14th at 8:30 AM CST alongside other panelists to discuss Social Media Strategy for Rehab Business Owners!

Business owners are hard pressed to create a social media strategy and presence, but the daily demand to create content is a barrier for many. In fact, posting content daily- ‘just to post’- without a cohesive strategy or an awareness of how to attract your ideal client may be worse than not posting at all.  Moreover, it is difficult to analyze the return on investment (ROI) of time and resources as social media growth metrics (likes, views, followers, reach, etc.) often fail to translate to customer conversion.

This session will help participants reframe their view of social media to build an alternative strategy that leverages an online presence as an interactive digital resume. Website, print media, and even patient testimonials are static descriptions that are challenged to provide a robust, in-depth view of their physical therapy business. Alternatively, a social media presence can be a dynamic, 3-dimensional representation of who they are. A visitor to their social media profile may not become a follower, or like a single post. However, by scrolling through their existing feed they get a visual exposure to their business’ why and culture, the patient experience at their facility, how their team interacts with the local community, their expertise, etc. This shift in focus and effort authentically builds brand familiarity, a far more valuable return on social media investment than follower count

Reserve your spot here

Objectives: After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify elements of their business that can visually represent their brand identity culture.
  2. Implement strategies that use social media as a digital résumé to authentically build brand familiarity.
  3. Appraise their current social media content to distinguish posts that have effectively communicated brand values as a guide to building a digital resume moving forward.
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