Site Search: diastasis

Normal Diastasis

What is a normal diastasis?

What is a normal diastasis? One of my favorite things to do clinically is to reassure women that they don’t have a ‘diastasis’. And yes, I just used air quotes (written air quotes, but…not to be sarcastic, instead to ease women’s minds). I love telling them that yes, you have a gap, technically a ‘diastasis’....

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Overhead Work for Pregnant Female Athletes with Diastasis

One of the tools I employ with my female athletes is to limit their overhead work if they are pregnant with a diastasis. Listen in for the reasoning behind this temporary boundary I set for my pregnant athletes who lift or exercise overhead. This is neither a rule or a formula, instead gain an understanding...

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Dear Diastasis Community….Don’t Make Me Come In There

I haven’t written a Dear…. letter in a while but some recent interactions and online posts on diastasis have brought out my mama bear and my pen. So here goes…. Dear pros that keep telling mamas that they can’t fix their diastasis if it has been longer than a year since their delivery, Let’s start with….WHY?...

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Diastasis In 100% of Women??

So much for bringing calm back in to my online life. Once again I find myself disgruntled with the ‘Everyone-should-brace-after-having-a-baby’ camp. I think my feelings are well-placed, as it is our professional responsibility to get accurate information into the hands of both practitioners and the public. It is critical. A blog came across my desk,...

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