December 6th 2012
My webinar has been generating a lot of great questions behind the scenes. I love this one because it is from a male physical therapist on behalf of his newly pregnant wife. How sweet and cool is that?! Q: My wife and I just found out we are having our first child. I had some questions about my...
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September 10th 2012
The athleticism at the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics was absolutely inspiring. I said “WOW” so many times I lost count. Some of the wows were for the stories of the athletes overcoming injuries or difficult circumstances to achieve their Olympic moment. Injuries got a lot of press this summer, and a LOT of tape. That...
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June 29th 2012
Another bad guy to vanquish! Alignment took on the high, tight pelvic floor, but now an inquiring Internal Physical Therapy Specialist wants to know…how can it impact a pelvic floor with a nerve injury? The Question: What if a patient’s left levator ani group was knocked out by nerve injury during childbirth? Is there evidence...
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May 18th 2012
I am excited to share a series of great conversations that have occurred in the social media sphere via an extravaganza of tweets, blogs, commentaries, Facebook posts, and Linked-In discussions. The conversation participants, we like to refer to ourselves as the #pelvicmafia, are a global group of Musculoskeletal practitioners that integrate the pelvic floor into...
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May 3rd 2012
A recent NY Times Well Blog discussed the dangers of high heels based on an Australian study that compared the differences in foot muscle and tendon activation patterns in frequent vs infrequent high heel wearers while walking barefoot. The study found that frequent high heel wearers (40+ hours/week) retained a barefoot walking pattern that mimicked how...
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