August 13th 2018
The CrossFit Games have come and gone, but the conversations it stirs inside both rehab and fitness carry on! I had a conversation with CrossFit Headquarters last winter on all things pelvic health and pelvic health messaging inside their community (both female and male). The topics we covered are still relevant today as CrossFit pushes...
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December 22nd 2017
Here it is…the full Twitter conversation with CrossFit HQ. I am simply posting this in its raw format, without commentary, so you can draw your own conclusions. A Twitter conversation is really challenging to have, follow and to present in a format that is easy to sort through. There are lots of twists and turns....
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December 18th 2017
Dear CrossFit HQ Update: How the Conversation has Evolved As you might imagine the response to my blog last week Dear CrossFit HQ and the conversations born from it were all over the map. I want to address a few of the things that came up over the next few blog posts. First, one of...
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December 8th 2017
Dear CrossFit HQ, I come in peace. I am hoping to open a respectful dialogue regarding pelvic health for female CrossFitters. I am actually an ally to CrossFit in the pelvic health arena….but you are making it hard to defend CrossFit when you promote videos like “Kelley Jackson Pee-R’s”. On the Facebook thread for the...
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June 28th 2013
Sooo….this happened. . Female CrossFit athletes happily declaring that they pee during a workout. A Gynecologist offers her medical advice “It’s OK to pee during double-unders!”. You can even get a t-shirt now in case you want to let folks know who may have missed the viral video. Peeing during a workout was offered as a...
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