November 29th 2015
As I come off of a four and a half month professional hiatus, it seems only fitting that I return to blogging with an homage to REST. We focus quite a bit on how to strengthen, build, exert, tone, engage, etc….but we seem to forget the purpose and value of rest as a part of those...
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July 8th 2015
Dear Friends and Colleagues, This is a bit of a departure from my typical Dear So-and-So blog (Dear Coach, Dear Dr. Oz, Dear Depend and Poise, etc.). Instead it’s about an actual departure….mine. As of today, I am taking a break, a sabbatical of sorts, for some much needed rest until the Fall. Here’s what...
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June 2nd 2015
Q: Just curious, what are your thoughts as to what the multifidus is doing in the flow of dynamic stability? You don’t talk about it much. What gives? P A: You right, I don’t tend to include the Multifidus in my conversations in social media, videos, and blogs in regards to the Pistoning system that...
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December 29th 2014
The idea of the Piston is a component of a larger system that I teach. I hope it will steer folks toward a functional and relationship based approach to pelvic health and understanding of the role of the pelvic floor as a partnere in movement and performance. Some have asked but isn’t it just a kegel...
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June 14th 2014
A gift for Father’s Day to all the men out there and the women who love them: a blog series on pelvic health for men! My inquiries from men have increased lately, many are desperately searching the web for info and end up at my videos and blogs. The information I share translates across genders...
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