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Blog Tag: female runner

Leaks While Running

An Athlete Tells You They Have Leaks While Running-Now What?

You got the 411- female athlete pelvic health is a thing. You’ve added some questions to your intake, and your athlete told you they have leaks while running-now what?  How do you interpret pelvic health symptoms as a part of the whole clinical picture? You got this! Bring your sports physical therapy (physio), strength and...

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Female Athlete Science

Female Athlete Science- Represent!

Recently, I attended the Female Athlete Conference. After decades of working to get a seat at the table to have folks consider the needs of the female athlete, what a switch to be surrounded by 100’s of others with the same passion. I was immersed in all-things female* athlete, and it was glorious.   Female...

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Running Postpartum

Running Postpartum? Rotation is Key

Running postpartum? Rotation is key! Often, postpartum mamas end up running with chests high, rotating through their upper chest and shoulders, and pump their arms to make it look like they are rotating. However, their belly buttons stay straight ahead (see pic on left). They have substituted this for the beautiful torso rotation you see...

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Female Runner

Return To Run: considerations for the female runner

I am fresh off debuting my new Treating and Training the Female Runner course in the UK. I was grateful and honored to be hosted by Emma Brockwell** (aka @physiomumuk, co-founder of @pelvicroar and co-author of the recently published Return to Running Postnatal Guidelines). Folks came from all over the World-Ireland, Scotland, Bulgaria, Iceland, Finland,...

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