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Blog Tag: incontinence

What is a Hypertonic (Tight) Pelvic Floor?

If you have stopped to read this blog you are likely… 1.…a fellow PT who is looking for new ideas and tricks. 2….a trainer (pre and.or post natal perhaps) that knows about this issue and wants more info on how to recognize it and not aggravate it in training. 3…a woman who has been told...

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Breath Holding and Your Pelvic Health

Q: I know breath holding is bad from my pelvic floor. Should I never hold my breath again? M A: This is a great question as we continue to expand our conversation about intra abdominal pressure in pelvic health issues, is it a friend or foe? Historically, we have counseled women away from certain activities because...

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Training the Reflexive Response of the Pelvic Floor

Q: Hey, Julie! Can your Pelvic Floor ever act automatically again without having to think about it? L A: Take heart! I do think many women can achieve an automatic response from their pelvic floor again, as a part of the whole continence system. But we have to train the system for that. So I take...

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Intra-Abdominal Pressure: Pelvic Health Friend or Foe?

Recently, I was asked a few questions by Lorraine Scapens of PregnancyExercise that grew into a three part blog series. I wanted to share some highlights. This exerpt is a question I get a lot about excessive abdominal pressure caused by certain exercise that could contribute to pelvic health issues. My answer may surprise you....

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