March 30th 2017
I haven’t written a Dear…. letter in a while but some recent interactions and online posts on diastasis have brought out my mama bear and my pen. So here goes…. Dear pros that keep telling mamas that they can’t fix their diastasis if it has been longer than a year since their delivery, Let’s start with….WHY?...
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November 7th 2016
Today marks the end of my sabbatical. It was in a word…busy. Busier than I had intended, but I was getting ahead on some important projects and spending some important time with family, and friends. I did find some quiet time in there for myself, for which I am very grateful. In the midst, I...
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December 17th 2015
So much for bringing calm back in to my online life. Once again I find myself disgruntled with the ‘Everyone-should-brace-after-having-a-baby’ camp. I think my feelings are well-placed, as it is our professional responsibility to get accurate information into the hands of both practitioners and the public. It is critical. A blog came across my desk,...
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December 13th 2014
Planks have become a dirty word in diastasis chat rooms, forums and blogs. Blanket edicts of no more planks have emerged. But this has thrown a lot of women into a state of confusion…we can’t do crunches, and can’t do planks…what can we do? This speaks to the no-man’s land that so many women find...
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May 28th 2014
The Pelvic Floor Piston: Foundation for Fitness DVD is now available for purchase!! The DVD provides the step-by-step process I guide my clients through to recover and coordinate the system that promotes a sturdy foundation for their movement and fitness and keeps them dry. Find your way to the new online store at for...
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