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Blog Tag: post partum fitness

Leaks While Running

An Athlete Tells You They Have Leaks While Running-Now What?

You got the 411- female athlete pelvic health is a thing. You’ve added some questions to your intake, and your athlete told you they have leaks while running-now what?  How do you interpret pelvic health symptoms as a part of the whole clinical picture? You got this! Bring your sports physical therapy (physio), strength and...

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Female Athlete Science

Female Athlete Science- Represent!

Recently, I attended the Female Athlete Conference. After decades of working to get a seat at the table to have folks consider the needs of the female athlete, what a switch to be surrounded by 100’s of others with the same passion. I was immersed in all-things female* athlete, and it was glorious.   Female...

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Running and Prolapse

Strategies for Return to Running with Prolapse

Let’s talk about return to running with prolapse! Activities with high impact forces can be tricky in the presence of a pelvic organ prolapse. We want to limit those forces and prepare for them as we recover from a pregnancy. However, integrating strategies to keep those forces inside the tolerance of the active (muscle) and...

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Follow Your Success

Follow Your Success: Mama Talk Part Four

Follow your success! Some final thoughts on go-to strategies to help mamas navigate their return to fitness after that all clear by their doctor at 6-8 weeks. Thinking strategically creates a framework you can apply to ANY activity you enjoy (pilates, yoga, CrossFit, running, barre, etc.). The Road Map Your body has changed and you...

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