Time to get us all on the same page with a Diastasis Classification System. Adopting a more standard way of describing Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA) gives us communication clarity and understanding across continuum of providers (docs-nurse practitioners-midwives-physios/PTs/OTs-fitpros), social media influencers, and the public. Give it some thought. To be clear, this proposed Diastasis classification system...
Recently, I attended the Female Athlete Conference. After decades of working to get a seat at the table to have folks consider the needs of the female athlete, what a switch to be surrounded by 100’s of others with the same passion. I was immersed in all-things female* athlete, and it was glorious. Female...
I sat down with the folks at @original_strength for a hopeful chat about pregnancy recovery. A perfect way to kick off Mother’s Day weekend. Supporting those that give birth and the folks that help them get back to function and fitness. You can watch the video at Original Strength‘s youtube page following this link. Listen in and...
Follow your success! Some final thoughts on go-to strategies to help mamas navigate their return to fitness after that all clear by their doctor at 6-8 weeks. Thinking strategically creates a framework you can apply to ANY activity you enjoy (pilates, yoga, CrossFit, running, barre, etc.). The Road Map Your body has changed and you...
Let’s prepare then participate in a return to fitness routine! Recently I got to meet remotely with some mamas (see Part One). Everyone’s pregnancy is different which makes generalized advice tricky, but I wanted to give them some go-to strategies to help them navigate their return to fitness. In particular how to interpret and balance...