December 13th 2014
Planks have become a dirty word in diastasis chat rooms, forums and blogs. Blanket edicts of no more planks have emerged. But this has thrown a lot of women into a state of confusion…we can’t do crunches, and can’t do planks…what can we do? This speaks to the no-man’s land that so many women find...
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September 10th 2014
When I get a question I don’t feel like I have the best answer for, I hit up pubmed for research and trusted colleagues for their insights and wisdom. Anita Lendach , pelvic health physical therapist, is one of those colleagues. I posed a question to her that I had received. Specifically the inquirer wanted an...
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May 28th 2014
The Pelvic Floor Piston: Foundation for Fitness DVD is now available for purchase!! The DVD provides the step-by-step process I guide my clients through to recover and coordinate the system that promotes a sturdy foundation for their movement and fitness and keeps them dry. Find your way to the new online store at for...
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March 27th 2014
Last week I issued a Challenge to Depend and Poise to change their messaging to women from selling confidence via embracing incontinence to inspiring true confidence with messaging that captured the possibility that women could live free of incontinence. Depend wrote me back! Here is their response, and mine! Dear Julie- Thank you so much...
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March 5th 2014
I like to think of a diastasis that has resisted closure like an open zipper. An open fly affects more that just the zipper, it strains the button above, it messes with the fit of the pants, exposes things not supposed to be exposed, etc. Addressing your zipper may need a multi-tiered approach to re-zip:...
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