Which Course to Buy

Which course should I buy?

Pro or individual? Treat or train adults? Work with kids? Check out this chart to help you choose which course to buy!

Are you a Pro interested in adult courses? 

Intro Pro Bundle*

Expand your understanding of why, how, and when to apply the concepts of PS1. A clinical reasoning framework is applied to the needs to two real female athletes in real time filmed live over two-days. (10 CCUs)


Consider a specialty class such as:





Learn evidence and foundational concepts for access and integration of the Diaphragm and Pelvic Floor into pelvic, ortho, sports med and fitness programs. Application basics are provided with video and live patients. (aka: PS1 or Foundations) (12 CCUs)

Bundle includes: PS1 Module 1* + Pelvic Floor Piston course for individuals

(2 CCUs)

Bundle includes: Piston Science Part 1 (All 7 Modules) + entire Piston Science Part 2: Bridge the Gap (22 CCUs)

Bundle includes: Piston Science Part 1 (Modules 2-7) + entire Piston Science Part Two

(20 CCUs)

Module 1 introduces the concepts, evidence and initial applications. Module 2-7 moves beyond theory to equip pros with the basics of how to access and integrate the Diaphragm and Pelvic Floor with the rest of the postural control musculature, movement, function and fitness systems to meet a variety of client needs. (10 CCUs)

Gain relevant, practical strategies to prepare fit females for impact, high pressure and high intensity efforts. (2 CCUs)

A collab with Susan Clinton, PT. Discover the inter-relationships of the upper thoracic, IAP/ITP, and glottis to the pelvic floor and rest of the postural control system.

(2 CCUs)

Explore the variety of suggestions Julie makes regarding breathing strategies in an accessible way to both Pros and Individuals.

Consider starting here:

Do you work with Adults and want just a taste? 

An in-depth discussion of the theory, evidence and concepts for the Piston Science approach with application to females across the lifespan.

(2 CCUs)


Decided to start with just module 1? Complete the picture to deepen your understanding of the concepts to apply to a variety of patients and clients. You have multiple options for ways to complete the full course!

Modules 5-7 demonstrate integration of the dynamic foundational team in movement, exercise programs, and early return to fitness in a live athletic volunteer

Modules 2-4 provide essential assessment and intervention strategies to optimize access to the Diaphragm, TA and Pelvic Floor and use them as a dynamic team of foundational support.

Bundle includes: Piston Science Part 1 (Modules 2-7) + entire Piston Science Part Two

(20 CCUs)

Start here:

Explore the variety of suggestions Julie makes regarding breathing strategies, the NEW Breath Mechanics for Pelvic Health and Fitness short course. Presented in an accessible way for everyone (mamas to pros) to learn and apply.

Learn the basic, strategies Julie uses to as a starting place for women with pregnancy recovery, postpartum, pelvic health, and diastasis needs. Apply on your own or with your local practitioners.

Are you an individual? 

Start here:

Are you a Pro interested in Peds? 


A collab course with Shelley Mannell, PT equipping pediatric pros with a new neuromuscular, systems-based approach and effective tools that use breath as an accessible gateway to build core stability in children with challenges. (aka DC4K)

(9 CCUs)

Provides the peds pro with a new understanding of continence, and accessible tools for intervention appropriate for the pediatric population (no Kegels, non-invasive). Explore neuromuscular and pressure systems that contribute to continence. (2 CCUs)


Bundle includes: DC4K  Module 1* only + Challenge of Kids with Incontinence Course* (4 CCUs)

An introduction to the theory, evidence and concepts for the Dynamic Core approach, a neuromuscular and systems based strategy using breath as an accessible gateway for core recruitment in the pediatric population. (2 CCUs)

Decided to start with just module 1? Complete the picture to deepen your understanding of the concepts to apply to a variety of patients and clients.

Consider one of Julie's specialty courses from above depending on the specific peds population you work with!

Are you a Peds Pro and want just a taste?

Gain an understanding of how the ‘Dynamic Core’ is linked to effective self-regulation, typical and atypical development. Learn assessment and intervention strategies for the diaphragm, and pelvic as a foundational postural control team to support movement, function and play. (7 CCUs)

Start here:

Start here:


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